Dual studies

Promoting and challenging young talent

As an owner-managed consulting company for application development in the Lower Rhine region, training and promoting junior staff is an essential part of our social responsibility. Dedicated, hands-on knowledge facilitators and our People & Culture officers provide opportunities for our students to discover interests, fully develop their potential, and fulfill their individual needs and aspirations. With the joint celebration of numerous graduations and consistently good cooperation with the universities and students, our concept has already proven itself several times in recent years – and paved the way for future students.

Do you want to take this path too?

Our partners

Milestone Consult offersthe possibility of dual studies with integrated apprenticeship based on a proven and long-standing cooperation with the Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences at the Kamp-Lintfort location and the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences at the Mönchengladbach location. Below is all the information at a glance:

Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences Dual Study

Bachelor of Science in Media Informatics
with integrated IHK apprenticeship

Technical study programme

Goal: Software development
Duration: 9 semesters
IHK examination: after 2 or 3 years
Graduation: Application development informatics specialist

Practice:  3 days/week studies, 2 days/week apprenticeship in the office

Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences Dual Study

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
with integrated IHK apprenticeship

Business informatics

Goal: Controller, marketing, sales, commercial, software development
Duration: 8 semesters
IHK examination: after 2 ro 3 years
Graduation: Application development informatics specialist

Practice:  2 days/week studies, 3 days/week apprenticeship in the office


Lydia Föhles-Blum

Contact person for applicants

Become part of the Milestone team

We are looking forward to your application

Employee opinions

Milestone Consult machte auf mich vom ersten Kontakt an einen sehr authentischen Eindruck.

Im Erstgespräch wurde anschaulich geschildert, wie der Arbeitsalltag aussieht und wie menschliches Miteinander und Professionalität ineinandergreifen. Nach nun knapp einem Jahr bei Milestone hat sich mein positiver Eindruck bestätigt. Ich kann mich persönlich einbringen und Zusagen werden eingehalten.

Simon Ischebeck

Business Analyst

More than


years at Milestone

More about us


We are an open-minded team and new colleagues are onboarded right away. Discover your career opportunities with us.

About us

As an owner-managed consulting firm, we have been active in the market since 1989. At our site in Kamp-Lintfort, 75 milestones shape the team.

Our history

Our history of over 30 years is full of shiny milestones. Learn about them here.